Thursday, March 27, 2014

Watch Down and Dangerous (2014) Full Online Rental Movie

Watch Down and Dangerous Full Online

Storyline Down and Dangerous
An inventive and resourceful cocaine smuggler defends his trade against violent rival traffickers, a monstrous and vengeful killer, and the DEA agents who want to lock him up all while falling for a stunningly beautiful woman with a taste for danger.

A smuggler bleeds like anyone else. He just gets more chances to prove it.

Movie details Down and Dangerous

Release : 2014-02-14
Genre : Crime, Thriller
Runtime : 95 minutes
Company : The Sabi Company
Down and Dangerous


John T. WoodsasPaul Boxer
Paulie RojasasOlivia Ivarra
Ross MarquandasHenry Langlois
Judd NelsonasCharles Ward
Ernest CurcioasRafael Garza
Dusty SorgasElliot Reid
Luis RobledoasDEA Special Agent Arturo Rezendes
Ivet CorveaasHaven Reyes
Ivet CorveaasGabrio Ugarte
Emanuel BorriaasBenito 'Junior' Guzman
Sarah ForetasEmma Tate
Sarah ForetasDEA Special Agent Jo Ruiz
Ana Maria LagascaasRosie Mendes
Ana Maria LagascaasJavier Castillo
David FineasBobby 'Bad Breaks' Sabbag
David Anthony HernandezasRaul Medina
Heath CentazzoasCBP Officer Fisher Kendall
Calvin C. WinbushasGavin Ap' Morrygan
Mike AltmannasGreyson Ryder
Virginia OxfordasIrene
Magali PinedaasGirl at Party
Melody MelendezasGirl at Party
J. Erik ReeseasThe Kid
Sam KruegerasDEA Special Agent

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